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Bracha Macner

Marketing Manager

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Orthodox Hospitality is based in Jerusalem and run our program every day of the week.

We offer a fascinating insight in to the Jewish Orthodox world and our focus is to create an exceptional and unforgettable experience.

Orthodox Hospitality open our hearts to welcome guests of all nationalities and cultures to our homes.

Enjoy an exciting and open discussion, where our guests get to freely ask and receive answers to any other insight they wish to receive into the Orthodox life.

  • Meet an Orthodox Jewish family in their home: 
    Enjoy a delicious Meaty dinner/ some tasty Cakes with Coffee or Tea, and receive a fascinating insight about the Orthodox Jewish life.

  • Challah baking – Come and join us, learn how to braid your own beautiful Challah (traditional Jewish bread) and get a ‘taste’ of what it is about.

  • An opportunity to meet an Orthodox Jewish community member at your hotel.
    Where you can receive a fascinating insight about the Orthodox Jewish life.

Address: 8 Ha-Rav Me'ir Khadash St. Jerusalem 9743808

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